5 Best Plants for Cleaner Air
5 Best Plants for Cleaner Air
With winter slowly creeping past us, it is important to take as many steps as possible to keep our indoor air clean! Advances in home construction have worked wonders for our energy bills due to more airtight building practices. This means however, that air flow throughout the home isn't as good as it could be. Thankfully, there are some quick fixes to assist with air purification in the home, that are also environmentally and budget friendly! House plants are a natural way to purify and clean your home, not to mention a great tool to decorate. Here is a quick list of 5 plants to help clean the air in your home!
SNAKE PLANTS (Sansevieria)
Snake plants, or Mother-In-Law’s Tongue are one of the most recommended plants for improving air quality in a home. What makes this plant so great for improving air quality is that it releases oxygen at night. Most plants do the exact opposite and absorb oxygen during the night. This plant also acts as a filter for toxins such as formaldehyde. The snake plant is also very cost effective and easy to obtain making it an ideal choice for your home.
English IVY (Hedera)
Another great plant to improve air quality is English Ivy. English Ivy is known to improve air quality by eliminating mold particles. This means that mold allergy sufferers will be able to breathe easier with the presence of an English Ivy Plant. English Ivy is also an easy to care for plant, and with minimal upkeep will make an excellent addition to the home. It is widely available and fairly inexpensive as well.
SPIDER PLANT (Chlorophytum)
Spider Plants are another choice to help with airborne toxins in the home. Spider Plants can help to filter out many different toxins such as carbon monoxide and formaldehyde. Spider Plants are also very resilient, making it an easy to care for plant, and a great place for beginner plant owners to start with. Spider Plants are very easy to regrow as they flower into “spiderettes” which can be cut off and planted. This makes them another inexpensive choice to improve air quality.
PEACE LILY (Spathiphyllum)
Peace Lilies have been found to help with the reduction of many different airborne toxins. Two toxins they can help to clean are Benzene as well as Trichloroethene. Peace Lilies can also assist with keeping moisture in the air. The soil Peace Lilies grow in can also assist with absorbing airborne toxins so long as the plants are kept trimmed at the soil level, and the soil is partially exposed to the air.
BOSTON FERN (Nephrolepis)
Another easy to care for plant that can reduce airborne toxins is Boston Ferns. Boston Ferns require little attention aside from frequent watering, making them another great option for beginner plant owners. Like Spider Plants, Boston Ferns can filter out formaldehyde, but can also help to filter out ozone in high pollution areas.
Overall, plants can be an inexpensive way to assist with airborne allergens and toxins as well as a great way to improve the look of your home. From Spider Plants, to Boston Ferns this list of plants will help you get started with the improvement of air quality in any living space! Will you incorporate any of these plants into your home?