Ideas & How To's
Make Your Own Terrarium
Inviting Birds To You Garden
All trees and shrubs will provide something of value to birds nesting sites, insect food, shelter from weather and predators.
There are, without doubt, birds in your garden now. If you wish to encourage more birds and more varieties of birds around your home, you can do so by providing a variety of trees and shrubs, particularly those that provide food in the form of fruit, berries, nuts or seeds.
Home Care for your Poinsettia
Decorate Your Tree Like a Pro
DIY Fall Front Door Decorating
Planting Fall Bulbs
Wrapping Up Your Summer Garden
First Day of Spring
Spring Lawn Check
Perennials for Your Rock Garden
Rocks are best situated where the plants will receive maximum sunshine and not be shaded by trees.
How to force Spring Bulbs Indoors
Bulbs can bring spring cheer indoors and brighten up your home, particularly in the middle of the long winter.
Bulbs can be planted in almost every type of container, providing it has good drainage. The bulbs will be planted closer together in containers than outdoors. You can combine bulbs with other plants or with other bulbs to prolong flowering enjoyment.