Wrapping Up Your Summer Garden

Wrapping Up Your Summer Garden

The tail end of summer is one of the busiest seasons in the garden.   The slightly cooler weather gives the plants a burst of energy, with beautiful summer blooms, a bounty of vegetables, and unfortunately, weeds.   It is also the ideal time for planting fall perennials, spring bulbs, and get your garden ready for the cooler weather.
August 22, 2024 — John Vanderwees
First Day of Spring

First Day of Spring

March 20th marks the first day of spring. This hopeful season is full of growth and new possibilities. It is a time to explore activities, breathe in the fresh air, and enjoy a little bit of sunshine. 
March 15, 2024 — John Vanderwees
Spring Lawn Check

Spring Lawn Check

As the snow melts away, you may be surprised to find that your once, lush green lawn is less vibrant. The accumulative effect of salt, snow, wind, and frosty weather can cause damage to both the roots and tips of your grass.  But that’s not all, winter may have been hiding some unexpected surprises, including mould and root damage from voles.
March 07, 2024 — John Vanderwees
Perennials for Your Rock Garden

Perennials for Your Rock Garden

A properly constructed rock garden, with rocks and soil elevated in tiers provides good drainage for many small plants that might otherwise succumb to winter and spring wetness.
Rocks are best situated where the plants will receive maximum sunshine and not be shaded by trees.
August 03, 2023 — John Vanderwees
Vanderwees Garden Gallery - Spring Bulbs in beautiful brown paper wrapped pots.

How to force Spring Bulbs Indoors

Bulbs can bring spring cheer indoors and brighten up your home, particularly in the middle of the long winter.

Bulbs can be planted in almost every type of container, providing it has good drainage.  The bulbs will be planted closer together in containers than outdoors. You can combine bulbs with other plants or with other bulbs to prolong flowering enjoyment.

March 23, 2023 — John Vanderwees
Air Purifying Plants You'll Love For Your Home

Air Purifying Plants You'll Love For Your Home

February 23, 2023 — John Vanderwees
Seven beautiful and easy to care for houseplants

Seven beautiful and easy to care for houseplants

Almost everyone loves houseplants, but unfortunately, not everyone is born with a green thumb. If plans don’t seem to thrive under your care, don’t give up! There are many amazing houseplants that are exceptionally easy to look after.
October 13, 2022 — John Vanderwees
The Joy Of Perennials

The Joy Of Perennials

A perennial is a herbaceous (soft and fleshy) plant that thrives for three or more years. Perennials come in a variety of sizes, shapes and colours and can bloom from early April until late October. For these reasons, they are fast becoming more popular. Perennials are one of the easiest plants to grow. Sun or shade, clay or loam, there is a perennial for almost all of your garden needs.
August 25, 2022 — John Vanderwees


Pruning is an essential part of gardening. Correctly pruned trees, shrubs and evergreens will be superior in appearance, vigour and in flowering to neglected plants.
July 14, 2022 — John Vanderwees
Plant a Drought Tolerant Garden

Plant a Drought Tolerant Garden

Beautiful gardens are designed to be enjoyed. However, sometimes it can feel like the maintenance, watering, pruning, and fertilizing, leaves little time to simply sit back and smell the flowers.
July 07, 2022 — John Vanderwees
Perennials for Shade

Perennials for Shade

There are so many plants that actually LIKE SHADE! If you can create a garden in the shaded north side of your home, then you can enjoy a broad range of plants that thrive in shade.
June 16, 2022 — John Vanderwees
Create a Home for Hummingbirds in Three Simple Steps

Create a Home for Hummingbirds in Three Simple Steps

When it comes to pollinators, there is nothing more fascinating than the hummingbird.  This tiny creature flits through spaces quickly and is gone in the blink of an eye.  Attracting these stunning species to your home may feel like a bit of a mystery. These little birds are seeking a specific environment which thankfully is simple to replicate.
June 09, 2022 — John Vanderwees