Ideas & How To's
Ready for Seed Starting?
Inviting Birds To You Garden
All trees and shrubs will provide something of value to birds nesting sites, insect food, shelter from weather and predators.
There are, without doubt, birds in your garden now. If you wish to encourage more birds and more varieties of birds around your home, you can do so by providing a variety of trees and shrubs, particularly those that provide food in the form of fruit, berries, nuts or seeds.
Tips for Arrangements
How to Make Fresh Flowers Look Their Best
Make Your Own Terrarium
5 Best Plants for Cleaner Air
With winter slowly creeping past us, it is important to take as many steps as possible to keep our indoor air clean! Advances in home construction have worked wonders for our energy bills due to more airtight building practices. This means however, that air flow throughout the home isn't as good as it could be. Thankfully, there are some quick fixes to assist with air purification in the home, that are also environmentally and budget friendly! House plants are a natural way to purify and clean your home, not to mention a great tool to decorate.